I mean lookie at the difference....when she looks like this she's been sayin' her jeans are WAAAAAAAY TOO TIGHT and that she feels like a 60 pound sack of flour stuffed into a 12 pound bag...weird huh...
And she's been so nice to Stan and me...I dunno...I just dunno....
Khonfused barkhs,
It's almost like looking in a mirror!
PeeEssWoo: The cheerios were khwite tasty!
I am totally confoosalated, I mean at fiwst i thought it was just the weal, and nice Lacie showing hew bwuvvews hew sweet side..the one i know and love, but this is just weiwd..I've nevew known Lacie's haiw to be quite that floofy and the colow seems off, and she has aways been a size zewo wif no pwoblems ..as a mattew of fact, hew jeans awe usually loose on hew.
This is a can un dwum
I hope it gets staightened out soon..I want my fwiend back
smoochie kisses,ASTA
Is she getting broody Is she, could she be, aw no surely not Well tell me is she. I wont tell anybody else.
That's quite the rear end on you, Lacie. What has happened to your tail?
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
Cripes! I'm afraid I see what's happening. No Lacie! NO, No, no!!!
Please don't transform into Khyra! I like her, but you are my sweet little,Lakie, Laciegirl. Asta wants you back too. We love you just the way you WERE. Please. Oh my. What to do?
WelshieKisses for the OLD Lacie,
Hmmmm. How has this happened? Confusing indeed.
AireKisses, BabyRD
There is a lot of weird stuff happening with you doggies today - I hope it doesn't spread to us kitties!
Wooos! I still think something very "funny" is going on....
-Kira the BeaWootiful
Oh no, something is wrong with Laci. I hope everything is fixed soon, as there are some weird developments.
Sally Ann
i feel trouble brewing arf arf arf
Hey, dude, I have troubles of my own. That Khyra is a total pain in the ass.
Yes, I can see trouble in your near future!
Keep an eye on her, ok?
Kisses and hugs
BOLing!!! Fetched the rest of the family and now we're all gathered around the computer BOLing and LOLing and there's even some ROFLing. Khyra & family must be roaring.
I think she needs to talk to her hairdresser....they bleached her pantyloons out too much, white isn't really her color. I think some peachy highlites or bold purple bad girl streaks would look fab in that bush. It must take HOURS to flat iron her tail to get it to poof like that! And a ton of product! Do you know if she uses Bed Head to get it to stick out like that? As for being nice to yer brother, we all have our off days.
sniffies (hmmm....something smells..a bit odd?)
hello scruffy its dennis the vizsla dog hay hmmmm the frunt of lacie luks like it matches the bak of khyra and vice versa they must go to the saym stylist i bet!!! ok bye
Good day, sun shines!
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What is going on over there? I think I need to come over and remind you yet again YOU'RE A TERRIER!!!!
Hi Khlacie!
The beagles have pretty much abandoned blogdo
for Facebook. Internet problems too, so their Mum is back at the library.
Alfie ran away on Sunday when they were playing in the woods. Came back to the car after hours of searching for him and there he was, waiting for them!
Your pal,
Oh heck, that's got to be Lacie's mini - me Clacie up to her tricks eh Scruffers? Don't tell Lacie cos I thought I would never bark this but Lacie's proper pucker real back end looks waggin' in that photo.
Wiry love n kisses Eric xxxx
Huh? We just woke up. Is this a dream? Or is Lacie ... ummm .... different? It kind of reminds us of the botched surgeries ... you know ... when you go under thinkin' they're gonna fix one part and you wake up and find something else very different?
We think we'd better go back to sleep. It's safer.
Concerned and confused. Always.
Jake and Fergi
Dear Lacie gurrrl,
That is one nice muscle butt you have there I must admit. A muscle butt queen can always tell when she meets another muscle butt queen!!
Your comment to me, OH MY... you can't bow down to me, you're the future! I don't mind sharing the spotlight with you as I can see that you have great power over not only Scruffy & Stanny, but all the doggies on DWB's, even the mighty Mango!!
Continue flirting and working out Supermodel!
ps. mum and I would LOVE to meet you and your mumsie and of course Scruffy and Stanny. We think there should so be a reality show on your household (especially you and mumsie), and the rating would skyrocket!!!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
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